Pull Box: March 13

Jonathan Kent is most certainly worthy of whatever title of hero he wants up to this point. The hell that Ultraman put him through, and his subsequent escape and survival both show how much he’s grown, and learned to do what’s necessary to stay alive. All while still keeping the strong heart that his parents have nurtured all these years. I’ll miss fun-loving Jonathan Kent, which I never thought I would say about a kid-hero not named Impulse. But teenage Jonathan Kent has proven he’s more than worthy. We all knew what was coming. It’s been building to it this … Continue reading Pull Box: March 13

Pull Box: June 13

This was a great way to get back to basics with The God of Thunder. Now that Jane Foster is no longer Thor, the Odinson must prove himself worthy once again, and he must do this all the while trying to rebuild a destroyed Asgardia. The moment where Juggernaut revealed himself as a the avatar of a God to fight the God of Thunder was fantastic. Cain Marko seems to have really supplanted himself in the face of pop culture lately, and it’s pretty great. The Council of Reeds has returned with a more personal task to complete: No More … Continue reading Pull Box: June 13

Pull Box: March 28

Metal has been my favorite comic event in almost a decade and the ending most certainly did not disappoint. It was just as grand and batshit crazy as the rest of the series, and the future that it set up is unlike anything the DC Universe has seen. The source wall, a long-standing barrier around the multiverse itself has been broken, and it’s only a matter of time before the fun repercussions of Metal start to truly take hold. Metal set up Scott Snyder’s run on Justice League in epic fashion, and I can’t wait to see where it leads. … Continue reading Pull Box: March 28

Pull Box: March 14

That was the absolute best way to reintroduce newer readers to General Sam Lane and his tensions with Superman, while also creating a new arc involving Hank Henshaw and the inevitability of the corruption of Superman’s Kryptonian technology. I’m not sure where that story is going, but it’s sure to blow up in Superman’s face in some crazy way. There are so many moving pieces to the story taking place in Detective Comics right now, but like a game of chess, each piece is vital to the endgame, and it’s looking to be a great story. Batwoman and the Colony, … Continue reading Pull Box: March 14

Pull Box: March 7

This has been a great arc so far, with such an interesting and unique story that I don’t think I’ve ever read with these characters. It’s so fascinating because it seems like Batman is one step ahead of Ivy, but we’re not sure where that step is leading, because we’re on the same page as Ivy in this instance. I can’t wait to see what Bruce has planned with Harley, since she’s “exactly what [he] was expecting.” Bizarro is such an up and down character, but Bizarro World will always be the best. The addition of a Boyzarro now makes … Continue reading Pull Box: March 7