UK Royal Mail Unveils New Star Wars Stamps

The United Kingdom’s Post, Royal Mail, has officially unveiled an incredibly gorgeous new set of stamps to commemorate the upcoming release of Stars Wars: The Last Jedi. They feature Maz Kanata, Chewbacca, Supreme Leader Snoke, the newly introduced adorable Porgs, and the droids BB-8, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Rogue One’s K-2SO. They’reillustrated by UK digital artist, Malcolm Tween, and are available for pre-order with a release date of October 12. Royal Mail says the four droid stamps have hidden details that can only be revealed through a UV light, which makes for an awesome detail for collectors. Continue reading UK Royal Mail Unveils New Star Wars Stamps

Marvel Legacy Reviving Value Stamp Program


If you’ve read any older Marvel books (not the 90’s ones, the actually good books), then you’ve probably seen the Marvel Value Stamp Program in the letters pages from back in the day. It enticed readers to collect “stamps” that were inserted into the books, inviting them to collect them all.

Now, Marvel Legacy is looking to continue its march into nostalgia greatness by reviving the program. This time, readers won’t have to cut up their beloved books, as the stamps will be placed in inserts in each book, with 53 stamps in total, and a collection album on the way, as well. Hit the jump for the full press release!

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